Embarcadero have today released a new community version of Delphi and C++ builder! This is fantastic as it has much more functionality than the starter versions that I previously talked about and will allow for both Android and iOS development – rather than just windows development.

According to the new community edition web page, you will be able to develop for all of the platforms that Delphi supports (except for Linux)
- Windows
- Mac OS
- iOS
- Android
This is very exciting as its the first time that Embarcadero has offered this much functionality in an IDE for free, and will allow anyone who wants to start working with Delphi to jump right in and develop apps for all the major platforms.
You should be able to install this in pretty much the same way as I explained in the starter guide, just of course use the download link on the Delphi community edition web page.
During the setup, if you are wanting to do Android development, you may need to tick the box for the Android SDK or NDK. You may also need to tick for JDK (Java Development Kit) if you don’t already have that installed.